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Guide: Hondrox — is a joint paint relief remedy

We recommend you consider the following information while working on your ad creatives and pre-landers for Hondrox offer in order to increase your App%. All the given materials are unique and have been prepared in accordance with the concept of the offer, translations provided by native speakers of our call-center, data on the population of Hungary, offer analytics, and call-center scripts.

  • In case you prepare pre-landers and ad creatives on your own, then we suggest you send their final versions to our call-center experts who are native speakers able to adapt them properly. In order to do so, please fill in the technical task form following the link
  • In case you already have the tips, you still can order an original pre-lander. In order to do so, please fill in the technical task form following the link
  • In case you opt for ready-made promo materials, then follow the promo link at the end of this file (the link can be also found on the offer card). Ask your personal manager to provide you with the updated pre-landers. We suggest you combine our pre-landers with your own ones in order to find the best-converting option.

Hondrox: concept of the offer

Both the elderly and the young people face joint pain, joint problems are also common among physically active people of any age because of the realities of modern life.

Joint pain (arthralgia) may be accompanied by joint inflammation (arthritis), but not necessarily. Pain is the most common symptom of the inflammation, other symptoms include fever, swelling, and skin redness. Sometimes arthritis affects only limb joints, though it can also affect other parts of the body such as the spine or the pelvis. Some patients feel the pain only when they are moving, the others suffer from it even when they rest.

The majority of the available drugs have only a local anesthetic effect and do not rebuild cartilage tissue, this means that they only mask the disease which continues to progress.

The Hondrox formula has been patented by Italian scientists and consists of natural active ingredients. Essential oils allow the components to reach the articular capsule and rebuild the damaged cartilage tissue from the inside. As a result, the spray doesn’t only eliminate inflammation, but also regenerates bone and joint tissues.

Benefits of the components

  • Е, В3 Vitamins
    Eliminate stagnation of body fluids in and around the joints, nourish, tone, and help tissue regeneration.
  • Panthenol, allantoin
    Stop the bleeding, form a protective film on inflamed tissues.
  • Mint, cinnamon, and eucalyptus essential oils
    Prevent joint destruction and ligaments damage, relieve the pain, nourish the connective tissue.
  • Devil’s claw and arnica extracts
    Improve joint mobility and blood flow.
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin
    Rebuild cartilage, tendons, and ligaments, reduce swelling and inflammation, stimulate cartilage regeneration.

Medication guide which is used in call-center scripts

*Inspires trust towards the offer

Dosage form: spray, 30 ml
Dosage form in HU: spray 30ml

Instructions for use: Apply 2-3 times a day on a cleansed dry skin with light message motions
Instructions for use in HU: Vigye fel a tiszta, száraz bőrre, és gyengéd mozdulatokkal maszírozza a bőrbe. Használja naponta 2-3 alkalommal

Principles of action: Spray for joint pain with a warming effect. Restores the bone and cartilage tissues functions, eliminates the pain, reduces inflammation and swelling, regenerates synovial fluid.
Principles of action in HU: Melegítő hatást kifejtő spray ízületi fájdalmakra. Helyreállítja a csont- és a porcszövet funkcióit, megszünteti a fájdalmat, leállítja a gyulladásos folyamatok fejlődését, enyhíti az ödémát és kompenzálja az ízületi folyadék hiányát

Offer in the affiliate program: https://lucky.online/webmaster/offer/3042.html
Promo materials (live photo, 3D-thumbnails, certificates): https://disk.yandex.com/d/bLvgrObGViuidg

TOP traffic sources: Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Native ad networks / Teaser traffic, News feed, SEO traffic

Prohibited traffic sources: TikTok, Push

For any further questions, feel free to reach out to @MarfaLucky

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